History of Shells
Most popular books on shells emphasize the identification of species, but we can also use shells as a way to explore major ideas in biology. How are shells built? How do they work? How did they evolve? Shells can give us insights into the lives of animals in our own day as well as in the distant geological past.
Material and instructions
If you live in an area with access to shells, this can be a project for you. Collect samples, do close observations, record geographical and physical data of what you collect.
Focus on interesting points and try to find a reason for everything that you observe.
Study the function and the construction of the shell.

This project guide suggests two specific questions for studying shells by students. The first question is studying the sound that we hear from large cone shape shells. The second question is the chemistry of a shell and its reaction with vinegar (as an acid).

Details of this project
More information or support for this project is available at members section of ScienceProject.com.
A collection of seashells that students may use as display or for research is available at MiniScience.com online store. Since seashells are made of natural calcium carbonate, many students use it to test the effect of acids on it or use it as a substitution for bone or tooth for simplified experiments.