Effects of temperature on viscosity of oil

Viscosity is one of the important physical properties of many fluid products. Consumers often care about the consistency of products that they buy. Any variation in the viscosity of a product from time to time can be an indication of unreliability of a product. For lubricants, motor oils and cooking oils the viscosity is also sensitive to the temperature and varies in different temperatures. This can cause some other problems. For example if you use a motor oil that becomes very viscose in cold weather, you will have trouble in starting the engine in winters. 

 Project description
The effect of temperature on viscosity has been the subject of research by universities and manufacturers of lubricant oils for many years and has lead to development of additives and materials that can control the viscosity of oil in different temperatures. The problem is that there are so many different oils and so many different applications. As a result, research on viscosity and probable solution is a money making task for many consultant engineers. Such studies need to be done in a case by case basis and every case is different from the other. In this project you will explore the effect of temperature on viscosity of an oil sample. 
 Details of this project
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