Evaporation Effects
of temperature, wind, or humidity on the rate of evaporation? |
Evaporation is one of the
most common methods used to dry wet material. You have seen hair dryers or
dryers for laundry, but that's not all. Evaporation is the foundation
or a major part of many industries. Billions of dollars every
year are spent on evaporation or related equipment. |
Drying is a method of preservation
for fruits, vegetables and some other foods. Evaporation is not
always for drying! It is also used to make concentrates such
as orange juice concentrate.
This project will make you
familiar with many applications of drying as well as the factors
that affect evaporation. Maybe you will come up with the idea
of buying cheap wetlands and swamps and selling them after drying
them up. |
Project description
Design and perform experiments for evaporation in different temperature,
wind speed, humidity and other possible physical conditions.
Record and analyze the results. Possible questions or titles for your
projects may be one of the following?
How does the temperature affect the
rate of evaporation?
How does wind affect the rate of evaporation?
How does moisture affect the rate of
Details of
this project
Support or more information on this project is available for
the members of ScienceProject.com web site. Material needed
for experiment or a science kit about this title may be available
at MiniScience.com. |