Fire and Burning
What Factors affect burning? |
What is fire? Why is it hot? How is it made and how can
it be extinguished? This is an experimental project
in order to give student an understanding of the process of combustion.
Knowing fire and the factors causing or affecting fire will
help us to control the fire as we need and benefit from that
Learn about Fire and Factors that
affect burning. Perform experiments that show the effect of oxygen and temperature in burning. |
In this project you will perform experiments to understand the chemical
reactions that produce fire. You will use candles, matches, lighters to
identify the factors that affect the burning process. You will also perform
an experiment to find out the ratio of oxygen in the air. |
of this project:
More details of this project are available in the members section
of web site. Since research on this
subject has a long history, you might also be able to find good
books about it in your local library or find some information
on the internet. |