Electric Motors
principles and factors affecting their efficiency |
This project consists of
two main parts. In the first part you study
electric motor
principles and how they work. In this part we may also build a
working model of an electric motor.
In the second part you
learn about efficiency of
electric motors and how it is defined
and calculated. You then study the factors that may affect the
efficiency of electric motors. |
Building a working electric motor is a fun and memorable experience.
During this project you will discover possible designs of electric
motors and build your own electric motor. You will also design an
experiment to measure the efficiency of an electric motor. Finally you
will test to see what factors may affect the efficiency of an electric
motor. |
of this project
More details or support on this project is available for the
members of ScienceProject.com. Material
needed for experiments may be found at home, obtained locally or
purchased on-line. |