Effect of Moisture on Electrical Resistance


Moisture is the cause of many unpleasant and harmful environmental conditions. Moisture promotes the growth of mold, fungi, bacteria, dust mites and cockroaches. Rotted wood, rusted steel and musty odors are all signs of high moisture. 

Scientists and engineers have made devices to detect and measure the amount of moisture. Such devices are known as moisture meter, moisture sensor, moisture detector or moisture gauge. The purpose of using such devices is detecting the harmful amounts of moisture and take necessary action before it can cause serous damages.   

While moisture can be harmful in some places, lack of moisture in the soil can also be harmful for the plants. Moisture sensors for plants have a different purpose. For example a moisture sensor in the soil of your garden can trigger an automatic irrigation system when the soil moisture reduces to a certain point.

 Project description:
In this project you will investigate to see how the electrical resistance of different substances change. You will then use your experiment results to design and construct a moisture sensor or moisture alarm that can warn you about flooding the basement or a leak on the roof. You will finally complement your results with tables and graphs.
 Details of this project:
More details or support on this project is available for the members of ScienceProject.com. Material needed for experiment may be found at home, obtained locally or purchased online.