Food Values
Use mice to study the effects of different foods

In many ways our health, energy and growth are affected by our diet. This project will demonstrate the importance of a healthy balanced diet. Students will learn the amounts of each food to consume each day to maintain a healthy balanced diet.

This can be a display project or an experimental project.

 Material and step by step instructions:
This project will take a couple of days to complete. It mostly involves research on the human diet and the foods that we consume every day. A display, including the food pyramid and the elements of a healthy diet should be made. Students can also be more creative by including pictures, models or the actual foods on their display. A report should also be done to complete this project.
Details of this project:
More details of this project is available in the members section of web site. Since research on this subject has a long history, you may also be able to find good books about it in your local library or find some information on the internet.