fruits for their sugar content.
banana contains more sugar?
green, yellow or brown? |
Growers of bananas, harvest
their produce when it is still green. This gives enough time for growers
to store and distribute their product to the consumer market. As
time passes, green bananas gradually turn yellow. That is the
color that we usually see bananas in stores. Color change in a
banana continues at home and it finally turns brown. During this
change the taste of a banana also changes. |
Sugar contents of a fruit is usually one
of the dietary concerns for consumers. You need to know how much sugar
you are consuming each day, specially if you are under a restricted
In this project you will study
bananas or any other fruit of your choice to determine its sugar
contents. You may choose to study the sugar contents of any specific
fruit at different stages and see if the sugar content changes by the
age of the fruit. You may also choose to compare different species of a
specific fruit. For example, you may compare the sugar content in
different types of apples or different types of grapes. |
of this project:
More details or support for this project is available for the
members of web site. Material
needed for experiment or a science kit about this title may be
available at |