The effect of
landscaping and architecture
on energy consumption |
Architecture and Landscaping
designed with energy efficiency in mind can serve as a means of
lowering energy consumption. The key lies in maximizing shade
potential in hot hours of
summer days, maximizing the sunlight input in cold winter days and
finally reducing wind-chill with proper insulation in cold winter
Both architectural design and
landscaping designs can contribute to energy efficiency of a home.
In this project you want to focus on the effects of either landscaping
or architectural design. You may also decide to work on both areas at
the same time. You will have to perform some experiments and discover
how each element may help in energy consumption. You may also make
models to demonstrate how such design elements affect the temperature. |
of this project
More details or support for this project is available for the
members of web site. Material
needed for experiment or a science kit about this title may be
available at |