What do you write in your report?

Your report must contain question, hypothesis, experiments or procedures, results and conclusion.

Report should be as brief and informative as possible.

You should not write step-by-step story of doing your project, instead you should focus on the key information leading to the result.

The method of research varies. You may design and conduct experiments or you may just gather information and compile them to get to a more reliable result.

For example if you are studying about the life cycle and habitat of black widow spiders, you may attempt to keep a pair of spiders in a glass cage and make observations. You may also read the reports of other researchers. Your report must have information showing how does spider reproduce? What is the life span of spider and at what age it gets to sexual maturity? If it lays eggs, how many times a year, at what season and how many eggs each time are produced?

Following is an example:

Black Widow Spiders

Sub Phylum:
Sub Order:

Geography – Range

BlackWidow spiders inhabit most warmer regions of the world to latitude of about 45 degrees N. and S. They occur throughout all 4 deserts of the American Southwest.

Related Species

Widow spiders (Genus Latrodectus) are the best known and largest of the Cobweb Weavers (Family Therididae). All widows are venomous. Black Widows comprise about 6 species and inhabit most warmer regions of the world to a latitude of about 45 degrees N.

The species L. hesperus is common in the western US and is the Black Widow found in the North American deserts. L. mactans is the Black Widow common in the eastern and central US. The Brown Widow Spider, L. geometricus, is also found in the US.

  • L. mactans is found in most warm areas of the world
  • L. geometricus is found in Africa
  • L. curacaviensis in the Americas
  • L. hystrix, L. dahli, and L. pallidus are found in southern Europe,
    northern Africa, and southwestern Asia


The Brown Widow Spider (Lactrodectus geometricus) is not as dangerous as some other widow spiders because the Brown Widow Spider is less likely to bite someone, and injects less poison. Still, it is a venomous creature, and must be taken care of with respect. It is found throughout the world's tropical regions, has been introduced into southern Texas and central and southern Florida.

Hundreds of Australians are bitten every year by the Red-back Spider (Lactrodectus hasselti) a close relative, the Black Widow Spider. The Red-back is found in all parts of Australia except in the hottest deserts and on the coldest mountains.


The female Black Widow is shiny black, usually with a reddish hourglass shape on the underside of her spherical abdomen. Her body is about 1.5 inches long. Adult males are harmless, about half the female's size, with smaller bodies, longer legs and usually have yellow and red bands and spots over the back as do the immature stages.

Newly hatched spiderlings are predominately white or yellowish-white, gradually acquiring more black and varying amounts of red and white with each molt. Juveniles of both sexes resemble the male and are harmless.

Curious Facts

Black Widow is considered the most venomous spider in North America.

The venom of the black widow spider is 15 times as toxic as the venom of the prairie rattlesnake.

Black Widow spiders are not usually deadly, especially to adults, because they inject only a small amount of venom.

Only the female Black Widow is venomous; males and juveniles are harmless..

The female Black Widow eats the male after mating.

The female Black Widow hangs belly upward and rarely leaves the web.

The Black Widow is also called the "hourglass" or "shoe-button" spider.

Araneae is the Latin word for spider.

More than 35,000 spider species of spiders occur in the world. Of these, about 3,400 species in 64 families are found in North America.

Vital Stats

Weight: 1 gram.

Length: 1-1.5"

Span: 1-3"

Sexual Maturity: 70-90 days.

Mating Season: Spring

Incubation: 14-30 days

No. of Eggs: 250-700/sac

Birth Interval: 4 to 9 egg sacs/summer

Lifespan: up to 3 years

Typical diet: insects


Both Western and Eastern Black Widows spin webs that lack shape and form. Their webs are erratic in appearance, and the silk is stronger than almost all other arachnids. The black widow spider is shy and nocturnal in habit, usually staying hidden in her web., hanging belly upward. Although not aggressive, she may rush out and bite when her web is disturbed or when accidentally trapped in clothing or shoes.


On the underside of ledges, rocks, plants and debris, wherever a web can be strung. Cold weather and drought may drive these spiders into buildings.

Food & Hunting

Like most arachnids, the Black Widow preys on insects. Prey caught in the web include a variety of insects (cockroaches and beetles) and other arthropods. After ensnaring its prey in the web, the Black Widow makes small punctures in the victim's body and sucks out the liquid contents. The Black Widow is preyed upon by Mud-Dauber wasps.


Adult male Black Widows wander in search of females but do not feed or bite. Females may occassionally kill and eat a male after mating but this is more the exception than the rule.

The female then lays several batches, containing up to 750 eggs each, in one summer. The egg case, about 1/2 inch in diameter, is suspended in the web. It is white to tan in color and has a paper-like texture. There may be 4 to 9 egg sacs produced during a summer. Normally, only 1 to 12 young survive after the egg incubation period of 14 to 30 days due to cannibalism.

The young Black Widows are colored orange and white when they emerge 1 to 4 weeks later. The female Black Widow may live for more than a year and a half. Growth requires 2 to 4 months, depending on availability of prey during which the females molt 6 to 8 times and the males 3 to 6 times. Females mature about 90 days after egg sac emergence and live another 6 months to a year. days longer. Males mature in about 70 days after emergence and live only another month or two.

Caution -Venomous!

The venom of the black widow spider is 15 times as toxic as the venom of the Prairie Rattlesnake. But only a minute amount of the toxin is injected with a single bite by the spider, so they are rarely fatal. However, the relatively large amount of injected rattlesnake venom results in about 15 to 25 percent mortality among those bitten.

The bite itself is often not painful and may go unnoticed. But the poison injected by the the Black Widow bite can cause abdominal pain similar to appendicitis as well as pain to muscles or the soles of the feet. Other symptoms include alternating salivation and dry-mouth, paralysis of the diaphragm, profuse sweating and swollen eyelids.

Persons younger than 16 and older than 60, especially those with a heart condition, may require a hospital stay. (Heart and lung failure may result in death.) A physician can give specific antivenin or calcium gluconate to relieve pain. Healthy people recover rapidly in two to five days.

For others, clean the site well with soap and water. Apply a cool compress over the bite location and keep the affected limb elevated to about heart level. Aspirin or Tylenol may be used to relieve minor symptoms. Treatment in a medical facility may be necessary for children less than 5 years old or for adults with severe symptoms. Call the Poison Center for additional information.

Be very careful when working around areas where black widow spiders may be established. Take proper precautions-wear gloves and pay attention to where you are working. The reaction to a Black widow bite can be painful, and the victim should go to the doctor immediately for treatment.

To control the black widow, carefully remove all materials where they might hide. They can be cleaned out of an area simply by knocking down the webs, spiders, and round, tan egg sacs with a stick and crushing them underfoot. Removal or destruction of the egg sacks may help control the population. This spider is resistant to many insecticides.


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