Heat Retention
Does fresh water hold heat longer than salt water? How does water
compare to land and what effect does this have on the weather?
What factors affect the cooling of land? |
you’ve ever been out in the hot summer sun for any length of time, you
know that it makes you pretty darn hot.
The sands in the beach gets very hot and walking bare foot becomes a painful
experience. While sands in the beach are hot enough to cook an egg,
water may still be cold. After sunset sands lose their heat very fast
while the water is still warm.
does the sand become hot or loses heat so fast, while water is much
slower in gaining and loosing heat? Does such a difference affect the
climate? We are hoping to find the answer to some of these questions
during this project.
In this project you will design an experiment to compare the heat
retention of water, salt water and sand. Then you will use the result of
your experiments to explain the climate of coastal regions. |
of this project
More information or support for this project is available for the
members of ScienceProject.com web site. Material
needed for the experiment can be obtained locally or may be ordered
on-line. |