Which homemade
airplane design flies best? |
The airplane was invented in 1903 by Orville
& Wilbur Wright. Before the Wright brothers, many
others made varieties of wings and kites as an instrument of
flight. Of course not all designs were successful. For many years
fabric and wood have been the main material used in the
construction of kites and airplanes. Regardless of material used
in construction of an airplane, certain designs have had more
success than others. Such success and failures became the
foundation for developing a new branch of physical science, called
aerodynamics. |
Model airplanes made from paper or
balsa wood follow the same aerodynamic rules as larger airplanes. The
purpose of this project is discovering some of the aerodynamic concepts
and experimenting some possible airplane designs. |
In this project you will make paper or balsa wood airplanes with
different designs to see which one flies best. |
of this project
More details or support for this project is available at the
members section of ScienceProject.com web site. Material
needed for experiment or a science kit about this title may be
available at MiniScience.com. |