Internal Combustion
engines |
Internal combustion
engines are used in every automobile and are the driving force
for many electric generators and other industrial and household
machines. Many studies have been done in the past and many are
still in
progress today by scientists, manufacturers and students about
internal combustion engines. Most of these studies focus on
increasing the efficiency and reducing the pollution caused by
internal combustion engines. Today internal combustion engines
have an efficiency rate of about 30%. |
In other words 70% of the fuel energy
is being wasted mostly in the form of heat and only about 30% is
converted to mechanical energy. Also the large amount of carbon dioxide
produced by such engines is contributing to air pollution and global
warming. |
This project is an opportunity to learn about the structure and design
of an internal combustion engine. This is a display project and you will
not have to define variables or come up with a hypothesis. You may make
models and do drawings to explain the actions and parts of an engine. In
the project detail section we have also included some advice for
students who want to have a specific question for their project and need
to define variables, have a hypothesis and perform an experiment. |
of this project
More details or support for this project is available at the
members section of |