Find the
maximum speed in fiber optic links |
Speed of light varies in
different mediums. That is why light breaks when it passes from
one medium to the other. Fiber optics are often made of some type
of glass, however clear plastic fibers can also be used to
transmit light or light signals for short distances. |
In this project you will use devices such as an oscilloscope and a
signal generator to measure the speed of light in fiber. You may perform
this test for different types of fibers including glass, nylon, acrylic
and polyethylene fibers.
*An oscilloscope is a
fairly expensive device. This experiment is only recommended for
students who have access to an oscilloscope through their parents or
their school.
of this project:
More details or support for this project is available for the
members of web site. Material
needed for experiment or a science kit about this title may be
available at |